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Alexa Rank: 459,815Visit Nha DatUltraClarity is using sphinx search to provide full text searching capabilities in the content of all documents published through the Clarity Greek OpenGov Program currently hosting more that 7 million public documents. The Clarity Program is a revolutionary application for the Greek Public Sector. All citizens are able to access the public documents, laws and official decisions of government agencies, public institutions and independent public authorities from a single website. The problem is that this website does not have advanced full text searching capabilities. Sphinx was used because it can provide a high performance full text search index of all documents. Ultraclarity is retrieving all content from clarity using their API and performs added value services such as: full text search using sphinx text extraction from pdf documents also using OCR a fast and intuitive interface. The system runs on a single Xeon 4 core server with 8 GB of RAM. Debian stable is used as the operating system. The application is built on nginx, php fpm, cakephp, percona mysql and of course sphinx search. The index size is over 7 million documents in the Greek language and growing steadily by 5 10. 000 documents per day.

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Alongside this was a letter from Lord Derby to John Redmond where the latter replies to criticisms of the Irish Parliamentary Party leader regarding the failure to allow Irishmen to join Irish regiments in the British Army. Further to that letter was an addendum from Mr Tennant, Under Secretary for War, responding to Redmonds claim that Roman Catholic chaplains who had been killed were being discriminated against when it came to awarding Victoria Crosses. Nothing of consequence as regards sporting news was reported apart from a preview of a London boxing match and results of a hare coursing meeting at Castlerichard near Killeagh. Overall, the pages of the Examiner for 29 February 1916 contained much interesting information, and as such was typical of the newspapers of its time. Although wartime restrictions on reporting and the activities of the Press Censor was to stymie much reporting outside the DORA, there is nevertheless much to work on over the longue duree. As such this one issue of one newspaper is but a small sample of the cornucopia of information contained in the columns of early twentieth century Irish newspapers.

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